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Ed Tanner's work is very diverse. From the small, the very small, through to large-scale architectural installations. It ranges from the accessible to the rarefied and extremely luxurious.


Ed Tanner was formed by Simon Harcourt, he has spent over two decades building a reputation as the UK’s leading specialist in architectural & interior leather design. With his extensive knowledge of traditional methods and cutting-edge manufacturing techniques, Simon has a unique skill for reinterpreting classic leather design with a thoroughly modern twist.

All projects start with an idea. A conversation.There are few places more inspiring to discuss work with leather than our workshop. We are always delighted to welcome existing and possible clients and collaborators. A face to face conversation is more inspiring and informative than any flurry of emails.

The process of Ed Tanner is essentially one of human craft. When we formed ed Tanner these classical values made us something of a rebel force.There is now a significant global shift towards this ethos.


Work with leather: it evokes the timeless image of artisans working contemplatively with simple tools in quiet pursuit of perfection

This ideology is part of our process. So too is the embrace of technological innovation. Digital and laser technology share workshop space with traditional tools.This duality enables our fundamental objective: to collaboratively design and form a beautiful product using the finest natural materials.

To make a piece which, simply, cannot be improved.

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